One of your main goals after joining Twitter is to grow your Twitter following by getting people to follow you. You want to seek out and be followed by people who share your interests, hobbies, and niches. The more followers you have, the more people will view and share your content. This increases the reach of your personal brand or the brand of your organization. Here are some surefire ways to increase your Twitter followers and increase your reach.
Setting the Stage to Attract Followers
- When filling out your profile, be as complete as possible and honest. Put down your interests, including your likes and dislikes as well as your hobbies and other areas of interest. Your profile information is the single most effective approach to get other users who share your passions to start following you.
- Make sure you have a photo of yourself in your profile. Individuals enjoy being able to view the profiles of those they are following.
- You should immediately begin inviting your relatives and friends to “follow” you on Twitter.
- Follow individuals on Twitter who have interests and specializations that are comparable to your own. You might receive a follow-back as a result of this action. If you are reading this page, you should follow me on Twitter where my handle is @threadgenerator.
- Identify those who have a lot of influence in the community. You can follow them and interact with them, and in return, they might direct some of their followers in your direction.
- Send a direct message (DM) to any new followers to thank them for following you.
- Find out which Twitter accounts your followers find most interesting by participating in “#FollowFridays”. In return, please share the Twitter accounts of your favorite people.
Your Tweets are Vital to Attracting New Followers
- Use Twitter’s hashtags in a productive manner.
- Be sure that each tweet you send out is original, intriguing, and engaging.
- Make an effort to be interesting. Tweet jokes, humorous stories hilarious pictures and videos can be found at this page.
- You should retweet other people’s tweets if you find them interesting.
- Posting the URL of engaging articles, videos, and other information on Twitter allows users to share it with others.
- Be sure that you are posting updates to your tweets on a regular basis. People’s lack of interest will grow in proportion to the amount of activity they experience.
- Provide something beneficial to the community, such as a free service or sound counsel, for example.
- Engage in conversation with your followers and share the material they create. In exchange, they could potentially share the topic that you are tweeting about.
- If someone does anything that significantly aids the community or offers valuable information to the community, you should let them know that you appreciate their efforts by giving them a “shout out” or “showing some love.”
Avenues of Reach Outside of Twitter
- Include your Twitter handle in content such as articles, blogs, and guest blogs in a deliberate and strategic manner.
- You can invite others to “follow me” on Twitter by posting about it on your website or blog, or by sending them an email.
- Put your Twitter username on your business cards. Twitter is a great networking tool.
Avoid These Practices on Twitter
- Avoid uninteresting tweets.
- Do not send unsolicited commercial e-mails to individuals, including promotional materials for your company or products connected to your line of work.
- Do not mention that you are an expert in anything while simultaneously failing to tweet on a regular basis.
- Make every effort to avoid tweeting about the desire to get more followers.
- Do not publish content that is contentious or mean-spirited.
After signing up for Twitter, one of your first priorities will be to acquire followers. Discover other people who share your interests, hobbies, and specializations, and start following them. When you have more followers, you also have more views and shares. This increases the reach of either your personal or commercial brand. Your Twitter reach and following will increase as a result of using these tactics.